News for Quality First participants.

Our approach to achieving quality is constantly evolving. This means we occasionally make updates to Quality First along the way. As a current participant, you can keep up with program-wide updates, explore helpful tools, or even rewatch meetings you may have missed—it's all here to help our participants succeed.

New Opportunity: Earn a Star Rating While You Wait

Programs on the Quality First waitlist may be eligible to be assessed and earn a Quality First Star Rating! We will contact you if you are eligible. 

With a star rating, you can:

  • Receive enhanced DES child care assistance rates (3-star, 4-star, and 5-star rated programs)
  • Get personalized feedback- what’s great and what could be even better
  • Let families know about your commitment to quality

Who is eligible and what’s next?

  • Applicants who have not recently participated in Quality First.
    • You will receive notification of selection via email and, an assessor will contact you directly to schedule your assessment. 
  • Former DES Expansion-funded participants who are DES contracted and have a valid star rating with a cycle end date before June 30, 2025.
    • An assessor will contact you approximately two weeks before your cycle end date to gather necessary information.

Selection for participation is limited and dependent upon funding availability.

Questions? Contact the Quality First team at