News for Quality First participants.

Our approach to achieving quality is constantly evolving. This means we occasionally make updates to Quality First along the way. As a current participant, you can keep up with program-wide updates, explore helpful tools, or even rewatch meetings you may have missed—it's all here to help our participants succeed.

Considering a Move?

If your program is considering moving to a new location, please contact Quality First to determine whether your participation is eligible for transfer.

The most important factor in whether your participation can transfer is the new location of your program.

If your new location is in the same First Things First (FTF) region:

If you’ll be staying in the same FTF region, your participation will most likely be able to transfer.

Your Quality First coordinator will work with you to collect any required paperwork. If your program receives Quality First scholarships, your eligibility for scholarships and/or the number of scholarships may change, depending on regional priorities.

If your new location is in a different FTF region:

If you’re moving to a different FTF region, your participation will most likely not be able to transfer. If unable to transfer, you will need to disenroll and apply for participation at the new location. Once you apply and are added to the active waitlist, you will receive regular communication and updates from Quality First.

Selection for Quality First in the new region depends on regional funding for Quality First, other funding sources, and regional priorities for selection. 

In addition to Quality First participation, other programs and services, such as Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation may not be available in the new region. Your program’s eligibility for Quality First Scholarships may also change.

FTF Regional Funding

FTF’s Regional Partnership Councils fund programs and services for children birth to five based on the unique needs and assets of their communities. Quality First is one such program that councils fund. Arizona is divided into 28 FTF regions, which sometimes do not align with city or county boundaries. Each council funds services within its designated region. For more information about First Things First’s regional governance and structure, visit our website.

Other Changes

Whether your program stays in the same region or moves to a different region, if your program changes in size, it may affect the amount of coaching hours, funding and scholarships available.

Assessment and Star Ratings

If your program’s participation is unable to transfer, apply for Quality First at your new location once it is open and serving children birth to five. FTF is currently offering assessment and star rating to programs on the waitlist. This is subject to continued funding. To learn more, read this announcement.

What you need to do

If you’re considering a move, contact Quality First to let us know. First Things First can review your specific situation and provide guidance. Contact the First Things First Quality First Team at or 602-771-5000