Quality First Blog, Tips and Inspiration
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Early childhood education leaders know how important the first days and weeks of learning are to a new employee’s success. Training new teachers, administrators, support staff and volunteers is vital to the long-term success of any program. New hire orientation that is done well can increase satisfaction and reduce turnover. How can you provide orientation
Early childhood educators know children learn best through hands-on experiences. You can see the excitement of learning in an infant’s face when rattling a toy or as preschoolers splash at the water table. Your program’s daily routines, transitions and activities can either promote or hinder children’s access to materials. Here are a few tips on
“Play is the work of the child.” — Maria Montessori The Early Childhood Environment Rating Scales defines free play as when “a child is permitted to choose materials and companions and, as far as possible, manage play independently.” Through free play, children can make their own choices about how they spend their time. How does
The right music can change the mood of a learning environment. Music can invite children to get active and silly — or slow down and relax. Songs can also be effective in focusing children’s attention during transitions or when introducing new ideas. Music can act as a powerful tool that supports language and literacy development.
Early childhood program leaders know that finding and keeping qualified teaching staff is critical to providing a high-quality program. However, many of Arizona’s early childhood programs have seen an increase in teacher turnover over the course of the pandemic. Now as programs work to recover and rebuild, keeping a strong and stable staff is top
When a child learns a new concept by doing, touching, exploring or experiencing something, rather than just being told about it—that child is creating pathways in the brain for further knowledge. For early childhood educators looking for ways to improve children’s learning—hands-on experiences are critical to success. So, how can you maximize children’s learning through
Early childhood educators can help influence children’s healthy eating habits. Sharing a variety of new, nutritious foods with children encourages them to try different flavors, textures and food they may not get to experience at home. Many early learning programs want high-quality nutrition as part of their programming, but they may rely on families to
The COVID-19 pandemic brought significant losses and serious challenges to Arizona’s children and families. It also highlighted the needs of early childhood providers around the state. Fortunately, new funding made possible by federal and state investments are providing much-needed relief to support child care in our state. Supports include: Expansion of Quality First The budget
By Lara Scott, M.Ed., LPC It’s August, which means many young children and teachers across Arizona are returning to child care centers and home programs after extended time away during the pandemic. Others are coming to the early learning setting for the first time. These transitions often result in an array of feelings such as
As an early childhood educator, you recognize the importance of outdoor physical play on children’s development. At the same time, Arizona’s summer sun can make outdoor play uncomfortable and at times, unsafe. So, how can you provide the active, physical play children need, while keeping them safe during the summer heat? Here are six tips