Quality First Blog, Tips and Inspiration

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washing hands

Reducing the risk of contamination in diapering areas and handwashing sinks

Thinking about upgrading your diaper-changing area? Making changes to your diaper-changing area can benefit supervision and safety, but don’t forget sanitary procedures. The Department of Health Services (DHS) Child Care Licensing requires classrooms with a diaper-changing area to include “a hand-washing sink next to the diaper changing surface,” meaning the diapering sink must be directly


Handling the Holidays: Honoring different cultures and traditions

As early childhood educators, it is our responsibility to understand, respect and honor each child in our care without bias. Many programs have families enrolled with a variety of different backgrounds and experiences. Even in programs that appear homogeneous, families have different ways of celebrating their traditions.  Quality early learning programs partner with families in

child playing

Communication Matters: Talking with families about learning through play

How do you respond when parents ask: “Do the kids just play all day?” If you’ve ever struggled to respond to this question, you’re not alone. There are many different ideas about how children should learn. How you communicate with families about your program and your quality early learning practices will benefit them in the

Quality First

Water play activities to support learning

Offering water play in the classroom and outdoors provides an engaging way to introduce science and math concepts. It provides opportunities for problem-solving, creative thinking and practicing social skills and language development. As with any type of activity, offering variety can create renewed interest and support children’s learning. Here are ways to make the most


Tools to reduce preschool expulsions

Did you know that preschoolers are three times more likely to be expelled than children in kindergarten through 12th grade?  In many cases, preschoolers are suspended or expelled due to challenging behaviors that educators feel unequipped to handle. When faced with behavior challenges in your classroom or care group, it’s important to know you are


Tips for supporting literacy development 

As an early childhood educator, your role is to lay the foundation for future literacy development. Helping children birth to age 5 connect written and spoken language and having meaningful experiences with print can be a challenge, but one effective strategy is dictation. Dictation–the process of writing children’s words and reading it back to them—helps