Building Better Interactions through an ERS and CLASS Lens: Effective Ways to Manage Behavior

Do you ever wonder how challenging behaviors are captured in tools like the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scales (ERS) and Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS)? Are you looking for strategies that can help you stop challenging behaviors before they start? Read on for field-tested ways to create a positive classroom environment and manage behaviors effectively.  1. Acknowledge

july blog

Returning to Child Care: Big Feelings, Common Behaviors and Practical Strategies for Teachers

By Lara Scott, M.Ed., LPC It’s August, which means many young children and teachers across Arizona are returning to child care centers and home programs after extended time away during the pandemic. Others are coming to the early learning setting for the first time. These transitions often result in an array of feelings such as

teacher playing with children

Strong Hearts, Strong Minds: Cultivating character through critical thinking

As early childhood educators, when we discuss higher-order thinking skills or critical thinking, we may think about  science, technology, engineering, the arts or mathematics (STEAM). But higher-order thinking refers to a way of thinking, not a specific content area. It is about how a child learns, rather than what. As educators, we focus on providing