News for Quality First participants.

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Multi-site Scholarship Distribution

As we prepare for state fiscal year 2026 (July 1, 2025- June 30, 2026) Quality First scholarship allocations, we want you to be aware of an opportunity for multi-site organizations.

Child care providers who are part of multi-site organizations have the option of redistributing Quality First scholarships between their locations, as long as they are within the same First Things First (FTF) region and have a quality (3-star, 4-star, or 5-star) level rating.

To let us know you are interested in multi-site distribution, simply:

  1. Log into your site’s extranet profile and navigate to the Profile Summary page
  2. Select the Scholarships tab on the left menu
  3. Select “Yes” to “I want to participate in multisite distribution”
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each of the sites in your organization

Tip: Complete this step for all the sites in your organization, even if they are in different FTF regions or have not yet earned a quality rating or received a scholarship allocation. This will ensure FTF has an accurate number of participants interested in multi-site distribution.

Questions? Contact the FTF Scholarships Team at